Summer Internship Funding Awards

Due to the high volume of applications received this spring, the application 将 offically close on April 15, 2024. Any applications received on the wait list before this point 将 continue to be reviewed in the order they were received if funds become available 之前 5月15日.

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的 Summer Internship Funding Awards Program is designed to increase the ability of 科罗拉多大学 students to participate in internship 和 experiential learning opportunities, many of which remain unpaid or underpaid. Funds are intended to support travel, 住房, 和 personal expenses incurred, not substitute for unearned wages. Each 科罗拉多大学 student is eligible to receive one award during their four undergraduate years.

2024 Internship Funding Applicationopen February 1, 2024. You do not need to have a secured offer before applying. 的 sooner you start your 搜索, the more proactive you can be for this application.

All applications must be submitted through 峰会 (under Office of the Dean of the College). 的 first deadline for consideration is March 15, 2024. *Due to the high volume of applications received, the application 将 close on April 15, 2014. Any applications received before this point 将 continue to be reviewed in the order they were received if funds become available 之前 5月15日.Your internship does not need to be accepted 之前 applying for Summer Internship Funding, but the experience must be confirmed with your employer 之前 the award being finalized. Please note: it is typical for us to allocate all funds 和 start a waiting list by April 1, so you are encouraged to submit your application as early as possible to avoid this uncertainty.

Depending on the duration of unpaid internship experiences, applicants are eligible for one of two award amounts:

  • Internship experiences lasting a minimum of 10 weeks 400 hours are eligible for $4000
  • Internship experiences lasting a minimum of 8 weeks 240 hours are eligible for $2500

*Underpaid internship experiences 将 be evaluated for the same duration expectations 和 considered for funds UP TO this award amount.

Eligibility considerations:

  • All fully enrolled 科罗拉多大学 students who 将 remain fully enrolled in CC courses for at least one semester beyond their internship, are eligible to apply for summer internship funding.
  • All internships must be away from the CC campus, 和 not directly associated with 科罗拉多大学.
  • All travel for internships outside of the U.S. 必须得到批准.
  • Applicants must be in good academic 和 disciplinary st和ing to be eligible.
  • Third-party programs are not eligible for funding. 
*If you do not meet these eligibility requirements, but feel you have extenuating circumstances, please reach out to the 职业中心.

To best prepare for your application, start your 搜索 for internship opportunities early 和 consider what you hope to gain from these experiences. 的 application is meant to be reflective as well as demonstrate how this specific opportunity 将 support your goals. 

所有的预期 of the award application 和 finalizing your experience MUST be complete BEFORE May 31, 2024 to ensure funds can be dispersed before the end of the funding cycle 和 fiscal year. If your funds are not dispersed to you before the last business day of June, you forfeit your award. 

If you have questions that are not answered in the Frequently Asked Questions,请联系 安德里亚选, in the 职业中心.

Contact the 职业中心
物理地址: 1130 N. Cascade Avenue, Morreale House, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
邮寄地址: 819 Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
H和shake-Schedule Appointment
报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/11/2024