
创意写作轨道编织工艺, 想象力, and a lively literary framework in order to support 英语 majors dedicated to their writing. Through a breadth of creative writing courses including courses taught by renowned visiting writers, students have the opportunity to gather writing skills and techniques, 灵感, 和知识.

In addition to taking creative writing classes, students are advised on literature requirements and elective classes that would further develop a comprehensive engagement with literary and art tradition and its ability to foreground environmental, 政治, 社会学, 以及几个世纪以来的司法问题, 运动, 通过一系列的话题. These classes and the creative writing track’s supportive engagement with writers and writing culminate in the student’s Senior Seminar and Thesis Block, which concentrate wholly on their senior project and ensure its completion—not just as a final product, but as a commitment to their own writing development and towards a publishable manuscript or future writing.


英语 专业 on the Creative Writing Track are required to take a Beginning, 先进的, 及高级研讨会课程. The scaffolded creative writing courses provide clear levels of progress centered upon eventually completing the senior project and for deepening student engagement with the craft of developing voice and narrative.

学生 take an introductory and advanced course in one chosen genre before moving into the senior sequence as described above. 学生 also take one elective in creative writing or another art discipline as a way of broadening, deepening and diversifying their engagement with creative productivity more generally.

学生 interested in more than one genre are encouraged to begin their progress through the track by taking the multi-genre “Introduction to Creative Writing” class before choosing a genre path. 进一步, senior sequence courses are designed to support hybrid projects that cross and complicate genres, as well as incorporate other mediums and areas of studies.


The Senior Thesis can take the form of a collection of poetry, 论文, 短篇小说, 一个中篇小说, 甚至是一本小说. Hybrid works are also possible and encouraged. Length of the project is determined by the genre, style, and intention of the project. In general, prose works are 40+ pages with some novels as long as 250. 诗集从20-40页不等. 

The Senior Thesis is due on the last day of Block 7 and required for graduation. 没有例外. 

EN481 CW高级研讨会

Scheduling: This is a two-block course held in Fall (b3&4)和春天(6)&7)只. 请参阅 课程路径 浏览更多信息. 


EN481 Senior Seminar: Two-block advanced study of creative writing culminating in a creative capstone project such as a collection of 短篇小说, 中篇小说或长篇小说, 诗集, 长文:一篇长文或散文集, 或者混合写作项目. Required of all senior Creative Writing Track 英语 majors.

The goal of the Senior Seminar sequence is the submission of a finalized senior project at the end of Block 7 as part of the 英语 Major requirement.

The first block of the Senior Seminar operates as a workshop offering students an opportunity to have their work read and critiqued by others. 成为工作坊的一员需要:

  • 在严格的期限内提交文章
  • 交稿子准备批评
  • Discussing the scope of the project and goals for the block
  • Reading the work of peers thoughtfully and within the context of their project and the craft of writing
  • Providing both written and oral feedback that is well-supported and constructive.
Additional assignments and engagements provide support towards completing a working first draft of the full thesis, which is due on the last day of the first block of the seminar. This is a complete draft with a developed story arc or thematic cohesion. It is not, however, a final draft and may have errors, omissions, etc. This working draft will be ready for revision and final edits. This step of provisional completion is a crucial intermediate moment for the thesis and a necessary prelude to the refining and editing of the work as a whole that takes place the following block.

在研讨会的第二部分, students revise their thesis through studio session, 个人和小组会议, 还有团体活动. Goals for revising towards a final draft will be developed towards the growth of the work itself and differ from project to project, requiring our expertise in a number of genres and styles.  This block of the Senior Seminar provides each student with help in everything from writing and revision processes to specific methods in writing and further reading, and to discuss the project’s range in terms of topic, 主题, style, 和流派. 每年学生们都很兴奋, but also nervous at the prospect of finishing their thesis within those two blocks and each year they have amazed themselves and all of us by how well-developed, 专业, 参与他们的项目被证明是. Senior projects are celebrated with a series of Senior Reading events of all creative and critical theses and can be submitted to Tutt library for a bound copy.


EN499是一个独立的论文块. Creative Writing Track students should determine if their EN499 should be focused on Thesis Drafting or Revising. 

有详细的资料 在这里. EN499提案表格在此 在这里


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