

Thomas Lindblade was the National Endowment for the Humanities Distinguished Teaching Professor at 科罗拉多大学, and was the college's inaugural T. 威廉和南希·布莱森学校艺术教授. He taught in 科罗拉多大学's Department of 戏剧和舞蹈, where he served fourt在1995年至2009年期间担任主席长达10年. He hails from Minnesota and came to 科罗拉多大学 after receiving his B.A. 1979年从威斯康星大学毕业,获硕士学位.A. 1982年从明尼苏达大学获得博士学位.D. 斯坦福大学戏剧与人文专业毕业(1989年).
自1982年以来, Professor Lindblade has been an active theatre professional in the San Francisco Bay Area, 导演, 音乐指挥, 进行, 为TheatreWorks创作了四十多部戏剧作品, 魔术剧院, 圣何塞话剧团, 独舞节(气候剧场), 以及加州莎士比亚节. His most recent productions in California are TheatreWorks' Makeover (director, 全球首映), 斯莫基·乔咖啡馆(音乐总监), 弗洛伊德·柯林斯(音乐总监/指挥), and You Can't Take It With You (director) and California Shakespeare Festival's The Tempest (composer). Present work includes a new collaboration with Ben-Amots based on Borges' The Gospel According to Mark, and monographs on the staging of Philip Glass' operas and the history of George Coates Performance Works, 分别.  

Born and in Great Britain and trained as an actor at the Central School of Speech & 戏剧, 伦敦, Manley was an actor for 9 years doing seasons of regional theatre plus TV and radio work. In 1972, 他共同创立了艾玛戏剧公司, a pioneering regional small-scale theatre company taking theatre to villages and small communities far from conventional theatre centers. Until 1999, he was the Artistic Director of various British regional repertory theatres. He was the director of the MFA Acting Program at Ohio University from 1999 to 2003 and joined CC in 2003.
His productions at 科罗拉多大学 have focused on site-specific work and a continuing exploration of the performance possibilities of the work of Samuel Beckett. Other productions include Absurd Plus - a devised exploration of absurdist drama old and new in a loading dock of the deserted Gas Utilities building, downtown Colorado Springs; site-specific productions of Bash and Autobahn by Neil LaBute, 谢泼德的三份特定地点账单 & 查金的舌头, Savage/Love and Angel's Monologue; Attempts on Her Life by Martin Crimp - all over the Gas Utilities building; Drinking In America by Eric Bogosian; and Antigone by Sophocles.

王云雨毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学文学硕士. 她是云门(CG)剧院的创始舞者, 台湾第一家专业现代舞公司. 1973年至1981年间,她与CG一起跳舞.  Wang is a certified Labanotation Teacher (1984), Restager (1985) and Laban Movement Analysis (1996). She restaged 26 master dances from Labanotation and choreographed 21 dances for dance companies and the university dance programs internationally. 她是《赌博正规的十大网站》的导演之一.5 million dance technology project funded by 台湾’s Ministry of Economics, 由台北艺术大学主办, using Laban Movement Analysis to understand human body motion and emotion.
她是世界舞蹈联盟的主席, Asian-Pacific (2009-2017) and was the Chief Production Director of 2017 Universiade sponsored by FISU: International University Sports Federation held in Taipei, 台湾. 目前, she is the CEO of Chinlin Foundation for Arts and Culture and was appointed by the Beijing government as a Distinguished Professor for her involvement with the Beijing Dance Academy.


唐娜 received her undergraduate degree in Art education from Edinboro University with a theater focus in acting/mime. She earned her professional MFA degree from Ohio University in production 设计.  After teaching at Penn State University and heading the MFA 设计 program at Michigan State for 18 years, 她在赌博正规的十大网站开始了她的职业生涯, 照明, 道具及化妆设计师. 唐娜 has more than 250 set and 照明 设计s for theater, film, opera and dance to her credit. 唐娜 also consulted/ 设计ed for public theaters and major art centers in nearly a dozen states, taught classes at various community colleges and Bedford College in 伦敦, 英格兰, and provided frequent workshops for national/local conferences and numerous organizations. 唐娜写了许多关于色彩理论的文章, 设计, 为各类杂志绘画及舞台搭建, and a book for Prentice Hall introducing a totally new approach to make up. 赢得了梦寐以求的联合风景艺术家工会卡, she worked for two professional production companies on either coast and was known as the “spatter queen”. 唐娜很荣幸成为保加利亚政府的客人, 他们的“国家戏剧节”, was proud to be selected as one of 14 “leaders in scenic 设计” to spearhead a program for the future of 设计 in educational theater, and one of 16 fortunate scenic 设计ers in the country invited to be included in an extended workshop with the famous 设计 visionary, 约瑟夫Svoboda.                                             
作为一名艺术家,唐娜的兴趣超出了剧院设计. She was involved with the city of Colorado Springs for many years, as liaison to the “sister city program” working with artists from other countries, was an invited participant in the “Citizens Academy for Community Design”, and worked with city planners to 设计 parks that included her own sculptures.  担任“派克峰地区艺术委员会”主席, she initiated the transformation of the downtown area with an emphasis on public art, encouraging murals and the annual “Art on the Streets” sculpture program. 唐娜, 她是一位活跃的“建筑师”,拥有许多值得称赞的建筑, (Including a unique home in the mountains constructed from recycled stage sets!) chaired a building committee focused on the  creative concept of “arts factory.”  That “dream” became an exciting reality as she worked with the signature architect Antoine Predock, 并参与了基石艺术中心的设计, 这是她最自豪的成就之一.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/24/2024