Voters will Prioritize Land, Water, and Wildlife in 2024 Elections

赌博正规的十大网站第14届 State of the Rockies Conservation in the West Poll reveals public lands issues like threats to 野生动物的栖息地, 水污染, and the loss of natural areas are highly important to voters in the West and play a key role in how they will vote in 2024.

The poll, which surveyed the views of voters in eight Mountain West states (科罗拉多州, 新墨西哥, 犹他州怀俄明, 亚利桑那州, 爱达荷州, 蒙大拿, 内华达),发现 67% of voters are worried about the future of land, water, and 野生动物. 多数选民 view issues like loss of habitats and declining fish and 野生动物 populations, inadequate and polluted 水的供应, 塑料微粒, 无法控制的森林大火, 空气污染, 传粉媒介的丧失, and loss of natural spaces as extremely or very serious problems in their state. 66% of voters think the effects of climate change in their state over the past 10 years are significant. The levels of concern about climate change, 野生动物的栖息地, 水的供应, 污染, and the loss of natural areas are at 历史高位 调查的历史.

Against that backdrop, conservation is top of mind with Westerners ahead of the 2024 elections. Compared to other issues like the economy, health care and education, 85% of voters in the West – including 74% 共和党人, 87% 独立派,以及 96% of Democrats – say issues involving clean water, 清洁空气, 野生动物, and public lands are important in deciding whether to support an elected official. 37% of voters describe those issues as “very important” and the “primary factor in deciding whether to support an elected official.”

Conservation issues are especially important among many swing voter groups which could help decide close elections, 包括35岁以下选民(91%),妈妈 (87%),拉丁美洲人(89%), voters who are new to their state (91%)和温和派(89%).

Where voters come down on public lands priorities is decidedly one-sided and in favor of conservation. Asked what they prefer their congressional representatives place more emphasis on in upcoming decisions, 70% of voters want to protect clean water, air quality and 野生动物的栖息地 while providing opportunities to visit and recreate on public lands. 这和 26% of voters who would rather ensure more domestic energy production by maximizing the amount of public lands available for responsible oil and gas drilling and mining. For the first time in the poll’s history, prioritizing conservation over maximizing energy production receives 大多数人支持 among Republicans and Independents.

The deep connection between Westerners and the outdoors, along with the importance placed on protecting public lands, are reflected in strong support for a variety of conservation policies among Westerners.

  •  80% support the national goal of conserving 30 percent of land and inland waters in America, and 30 percent of its ocean areas, 到2030年.
  •  85% support creating new national parks, 国家纪念碑, national 野生动物 refuges and Tribal protected areas to protect historic sites or areas for outdoor recreation.
  •  85% support constructing 野生动物 crossing structures across major highways that intersect with known migration routes.
  •  89% support managing public lands to ensure there are more outdoor places free of light 污染 to better see the stars at night.
  •  在科罗拉多州的选民中, 92% support protecting public lands surrounding the Dolores River Canyon to conserve important 野生动物 habitat, safeguard the area’s scenic beauty, 支持户外娱乐活动.

Asked about policies for regulating oil and gas production on public lands, Western voters overwhelmingly support conservation.

  •  90% support requiring oil and gas companies, rather than federal and state governments, to pay for all of the clean-up and land restoration costs after drilling is finished.
  •  66% support only allowing oil and gas companies the right to drill in areas of public lands where there is a high likelihood to actually produce oil and gas.
  •  相比之下,只有 27 percent support removing protections on some areas of existing national public lands, particularly 国家纪念碑, 允许更多的钻井, 矿业和其他发展.

The nonpartisan poll surveyed at least 400 registered voters in each of eight Western states (AZ, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, UT, & 总共3个,376年选民样本, which included an over-sample of Black and Native American voters. The survey was conducted between January 4-21, 2024, and the effective margin of error is +2.4% at the 95% confidence interval for the total sample; and at most +4.每个州9%.

The full survey and individual state surveys are available on the 落基山脉项目 网站.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/14/2024