Faculty Resources

Dear Faculty Members:

Welcome to Accessibility Resources! As a CC faculty member, you play a very important role in providing access for students with disabilities. We hope that the "Faculty Resources" section of our website, which includes general guidelines and information on specific accommodations, will assist you in your work with students. We would appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have for improving the content and for sharing creative and practical ideas regarding the provision of academic accommodations.

Last year, 25% of CC's students were registered with Accessibility Resources. These were students who had documented disabilities and were approved for accommodations. We also assisted many students with temporary medical conditions, such as recovery from surgery and concussions, and we met with students who inquired about support but either didn't have a disability or didn't complete the registration process. In all, we connected with approximately 33% of enrolled students.

We work with students on an individual basis to determine how CC can best support their learning, living, and co-curricular experiences, but we can't do this without the support of others on campus, including faculty. Students regularly tell us how professors are so helpful and supportive—and that this makes such a difference in their academic life at Colorado College!

Our staff values a collaborative approach in our work with faculty and students, and we encourage you to contact us at any time if we can be of assistance. We sincerely appreciate the key role you play in supporting students with disabilities and look forward to continuing our partnership with you.

Best regards,

Sara Rotunno

Director of Accessibility Resources
ADA/504 Coordinator

Report an issue - Last updated: 06/01/2023

Location & Hours

Accessibility Resources
Armstrong Hall, Room 219

Office Hours
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Mailing Address
Accessibility Resources
14 E. Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903