Communities Overview

Communities Overview

赌博正规的十大网站的塞普教堂和牧师办公室接待了各种各样的宗教和精神社区. 牧师办公室寻求支持所有宗教,精神和寻求背景的学生. Some communities may not appear on our website. 如果你没有看到你要找的东西,联系 Chaplain's Office 和 we will help you make a connection.

在2022-23学年,一些精神生活社区可能会亲自或在线会面. 如果您需要支持连接,请联系 Chaplain's Office.


Bahá'í Community

Contact the Chaplain's Office for more information.

Bodhi Mind Center

提供传统的佛教教义,丰富当代生活. Group meditation online every Tuesday 5:30-6:30 p.m. 和 Saturday 9-11 a.m. Please contact Bodhi Mind Center for more information 和 Zoom links.

Catholic Community

旨在通过定期晚餐帮助学生培养他们的信仰, 事件, retreats, 社会, service opportunities, 和 weekly Mass at 8 p.m in Shove Chapel. 欲知详情,请联络学生领袖, Am和a Martin'23 Antonio Sanchez'24;  Sr.Ana Cloughy, or Fr. Joe Dygert.

Christian Science Organization

定期聚在一起吃饭和读经. 该小组鼓励学生发现每个人的真实本质是如何精神的, as a child of God, 和 how God's infinite goodness, realized through prayer, 治愈. Contact Peter Husak '87 for more information.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

后期圣徒团体虽小,但在CC很活跃. 大多数活动都在校园外的Jamboree大楼(8295 Jamboree Circle)举行, 教堂山购物中心正对面). Church every Sunday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information contact Jake Sorensen.

CRU (Christian)

Cru是一个充满爱心的社区,热衷于将学生与他人和耶稣基督联系起来. We 是 creating a safe space for friendship, 支持, 以及身份发展,让学生在基督教信仰中探索和成长. Join us for weekly Bible studies, 在科罗拉多斯普林斯与其他学生聚会, retreats, 和 more! Contact Doré Young’23 or Chad Sasaki’23 to lean more.


一个包容的犹太社区,聚集在安息日,假期,学习和社区建设. 每周五六点半在跨信仰精神生活屋举行犹太式的安息日晚餐. 有关假期和乘车前往坦普尔的信息可从 Kobi Chumash, Coordinator of Jewish Life.

Hindu Student Association       

整个学年,印度教学生协会 gathers for pujas, study, occasional retreats, 和 community. In partnership with SASA (South Asian Student Association) t在这里 是 排灯节和胡里节等校园节日的庆祝活动. 在那里   定期有机会与当地的科罗拉多斯普林斯和丹佛印度教社区联系. 然而,HSA为校园里的所有印度学生提供了一个欢迎和包容的空间 you may choose to be engaged. Contact Meghna Bagchi'23 to learn more.

Indigenous Spirituality Circle

为土著和美洲原住民学生提供一个有意的空间,通过对话和社区探索灵性和身份的交叉点. Contact Vicente Blas Taijeron’24 Camila Espinosa-Short’25 for more information.

Interfaith 和 Spirituality Council

精神和宗教组织的学生代表和实践团体经常聚会,讨论校园精神和宗教生活的问题, foster cooperative programs, explore interfaith engagement, 和 build community 和 mutual 支持. Contact the Chaplain's Office for more information.

Lakota/Dakota Spirituality

提倡尊重的七种拉科塔/达科塔生活价值观, 诚实, humility, 勇气, compassion, sacrifice, 和 wisdom. Participants 是 invited to sh是 in discussions 和 activities that promote students "Walking in Balance" through the teachings of the Medicine Wheel; mentally, physically, spiritually, 和 emotionally. For more information please contact Debbie Howell, Elder-in-Residence. Access to the Smudging & Pipe Ceremonies policy can be found 在这里.

Muslim Student Association

支持校园里的穆斯林学生通过斋月祈祷, community gatherings, 餐, 和 holiday celebrations. For the Muslim Student Association, contact Ommay Khyr'25. For questions about meeting dietary needs, spiritual 和 religious 支持, 和 Muslim Student Life at CC contact Chaplain Kate Holbrook for more information.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship

正教会团契旨在连接正教会学生以及校园里对正教会感兴趣的人, 将学生与科罗拉多斯普林斯地区的两个东正教教区联系起来, engaging in group activities/餐, 并一起学习更多关于古代基督教信仰和传统的知识. This group is currently in transition; please contact the Chaplain's Office to find out more.

Pax Christian Collective

Pax Christian Collective是一个进步的基督教运动,旨在为BIPOC学生提供安全和肯定酷儿的空间. 集体致力于营造一个欢迎有意讨论的环境, whilst weaving in themes of intersectionality, 社会 justice, 和 spirituality. 帕克斯的目标是通过激进主义的视角彻底改变基督教思想, in hopes of pushing for a more just world. Contact Vicente Blas Taijeron’24 for more information.


一种中国古代通过声音来培养能量的方法, visualization, 和 movement 和 foster healing. 通过牧师办公室定期在校园进行气功活动,请联系牧师 Kate Holbrook 泉池社区每周二下午五点半在线聚会.m. Contact Ellie Coriell for more information.

Rainbow Labyrinth

一个酷儿精神团体和社区,探索精神的交叉点, 精神上多元化的性和酷儿身份. For more information contact Elle Triplett’24.

Revolution Ministries (Christian)

是致力于帮助学生发展与他人一起充满活力的信仰,因为我们从事有意义的友谊, 通过服务我们周围的人来体验深刻的灵性和表达我们的信仰. 我们是浸信会传统的福音派事工,但欢迎所有人. 今年的重点是探索不同的精神实践和发展真实的社区. For more information, please contact Rev. Chris Nason or call him at 719 314-5239.

Shove Council

一个非正式的学生讨论小组,讨论范围广泛,围绕灵性和生活. Open to all. Meets Wednesdays at noon in Sacred Grounds. Contact Spiral Fellows Vicente Blas Taijeron’24, Camila Espinosa-Short’25, Ommay Khyr’25, or the Chaplain's Office to find out more.

Society of Friends (Quakers)

Contact the Chaplain's Office for more information.

Student Sangha

Is a student-led, 每周一次的禅宗式冥想小组, periodic Buddhist learning 和 community 事件. Contact Will Holtz’23 to learn more.

Unitarian Universalists

一个开放和肯定的精神社区,满足探索社区, diverse spirituality, spirituality 和 justice, Unitarian Universalism, 和 so much more. Contact Gabe Gordillo’25 for more information.

Young Life (Christian)

一个延续Young Life使命的基督教事工,向青少年介绍耶稣基督,并帮助他们在信仰中成长. 我们通过一个专门的领导团队来做到这一点,他们将上帝对他们的爱的好消息传达给大学生, BUILD them up in their faith through community, 并让他们成为年轻生活的领导者, the work place, family life, churches 和 God's mission in the world. For more information email Emilie Jimenez or Andy Morrison (Young Life College Director).

Zen Buddhism, Springs Mountain Sangha

Meet for discussion online at 5:15 p.m. 然后在周一下午6点进行默想和诵经.m.在美国,周三和周六早上6点半坐着休息.m. All 是 welcome; no previous experience is required. 访问 or email Roshi Sarah Bender for more information 和 Zoom links.

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/24/2022