
As an institute of higher learning, the most important aspect of 科罗拉多大学 is academics. 许多部门和项目,如 环境项目 在赌博正规的十大网站很受欢迎吗. Many of the school's academic programs involve sustainability-related or -focused study.

科罗拉多大学 students, faculty, 和 staff also perform re搜索 on sustainability topics. 信息 落基山脉州, a program that documents the status of the Rocky Mountains ecology 和 individual scientific resource performed by faculty 和 students can be found under the re搜索 tab. 


In order to implement recommendations from the Strategic Knowledge Development process conducted in 2013-14 和 in support of 科罗拉多大学计划:街区建设, 科罗拉多大学 has worked to develop a sustainability 设计ation, so that students may refer to specific learning objectives completed during their education at the college. 来自 报告 执行这一指定的方法如下:

The goal of sustainability education at CC is to fully 和 creatively utilize the strengths of the Block Plan in order to empower students to investigate the relationships between social, 经济, 以及环境挑战, 特别是当它们适用于我们的社区时. 通过文科教育, sustainability studies at CC should strengthen our relationship to the Rocky Mountains 和 Great Plains as well as the broader human economy 和 the larger ecosystem in which it is embedded.

可持续性 offerings are divided into two categories [following The Association for the Advancement of 可持续性 in Higher Education (AASHE) guidelines]:

  • 以可持续发展为重点的课程明确地集中在 至少三个或更多 of the following learning objectives 和 the potential relationships between them.

  • 可持续发展相关课程侧重于 至少一个或多个 of the following learning objectives 和 perhaps contemplate connections to other topics.

  • Investigation 和 evaluation of the complex global systems in which sustainability exist (e.g. 法律、经济和政策)

  • Philosophical or theoretical frameworks through which to view environmental 和 sustainability issues

  • Historical phenomena 和 patterns that have produced modern sustainability issues

  • 社会正义, 环境正义, 以及其他权益问题, including investigation of the complex social networks 和 dynamics of power that can perpetuate 和 complicate sustainability issues

  • Possibilities for innovative connections between sustainability 和 different academic disciplines (e.g. 电影与新媒体研究、音乐、英语)

  • 的理解, 和 critical thinking about the scientific method 和 how science can be applied to underst和ing natural systems 和 environmental issues

  • Practice in technical 和 scientific skills 和 how they can be used to generate solutions to small 和 large scale sustainability challenges

  • Practice in social 和 communication skills 和 how they can be used to generate solutions to small 和 large scale sustainability challenges

  • 文学分析与写作, 创意写作, 设计, 视觉艺术, music 和 other art forms that can be used to generate solutions to small 和 large scale sustainability challenges

  • Analysis of 和 engagement with other cultural perspectives to build an underst和ing around how they relate to sustainability

  • “地方感”的发展," including a better underst和ing of the many possible connections to one's surroundings 和 community

  • 研究 or course activities that encourage engagement with our communities to help them flourish

  • 研究 or course activities that focus on self-reflection (e.g. 资源使用、废物产生、旅行足迹等.)

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/06/2021



The Office of 可持续性 报告s to the 可持续性 Tracking, Assessment, & Rating System (STARS) annually to measure our sustainability performance. There are four main categories the CC pursues 和 collects the required information from campus stakeholders, 这包括STARS学术类别. 在STARS中,CC报告了两个学术子类别: 课程研究. 课程 subcategory seeks to recognize institutions that have implemented formal education programs 和 courses that address sustainability. The 研究 subcategory seeks to recognize institutions that conduct re搜索 on sustainability topics. 看看下面的一些亮点!


更多信息可以在我们的 《赌博正规的十大网站》.

  • 约8%的CC课程包含可持续学习目标. 
  • 约80%的CC院系提供可持续发展课程.

In order for CC to become a top leading institutions in the 课程 subcategory, the office has identified areas for improvement that follows: 

  • Designate an additional 150+ courses as sustainability course offerings 和 increase the number of departments with sustainability course offerings by eight. 
  • Work to increase the number of students graduating from programs requiring an underst和ing of sustainability from 22% to 100% of the student population. 
  • Conduct a pre- 和 post- assessment to the entire (or predominate) student body, 每年直接或按有代表性的抽样进行. 


更多信息可以在我们的 《赌博正规的十大网站》

  • ~20% of the employees at CC are engaged in sustainability re搜索. 
  • 16 out of 30 academic departments conduct sustainability re搜索. 
  • CC encourages both academic staff 和 students to conduct sustainability re搜索 through 落基山脉州 和 funding interdisciplinary sustainability re搜索. 

In order for CC to become a top leading institutions in the 研究 subcategory, the office has identified areas for improvement that follows: 

  • Increase the number of departments that are conducting sustainability re搜索 from 16 of the 30 departments from 16 to 30.