Speech & Debate

科罗拉多大学演讲和辩论队为学生提供了参加全国和国际11场演讲比赛和3种辩论方式的机会. 学生有兴趣学习相关技能,但不竞争, are welcome to attend open practices. 

加入团队的学生将获得宝贵的工具,以帮助导航各种形式的沟通:公开演讲, critical thinking, research, writing, conflict management, group work, networking, interviews, and more. 确保每个团队成员都有机会磨练这些技能并享受他们的经验, our Team:

  • Prioritizes learning over winning, community over selfishness, equity over favoritism, and professionalism over crudeness.
  • 庆祝思想和身份的多样性,个人成长和建立关系.
  • Strives for excellence in all that we do.

Debate Styles



British Parli

British Parliamentary (BP) consist of four teams, 分为支持和反对回合运动(主题)的两方。. Motions can be policy-based, such as “This House should privatize prisons,” or philosophical, 比如“众议院更喜欢愤世嫉俗和悲观的民主政治观,而不是理想主义和乐观主义的民主政治观;”或者基于价值观的民主政治观, 比如“这所房子会积极地向孩子灌输不服从权威的价值观。.”

由于这种风格起源于英国议会程序, 双方被称为政府和反对派. 类似地,边也被称为板凳,由两支球队组成——一支开场队和一支结束队. The motion is disclosed 15 minutes prior to the round. 在这段准备期间,你只能和你的伴侣说话. 政府开始辩论,反对党作最后发言. 演讲的顺序在两个席位之间轮流进行, starting with the first government speaker, until all eight participants have spoken. Each speaker delivers one 7-minute speech. Teams compete against all other teams in the round, including against their own opening or closing team.  



国际公开辩论(IPDA)通常是一对一的辩论, 不过有些比赛确实会偶尔举办团队比赛. IPDA的重点是有效的沟通和说服,是所有背景和风格的参与者和评委最容易接受的辩论形式之一.

Like many forms of college debate, IPDA is limited prep. 这意味着参赛者只有30分钟的时间来选择主题和准备论据. 当宣布五个潜在主题时,这一轮就开始了. 话题范围从隐喻性的(决心:一天一个苹果,医生远离我)到政治性的(决心:美国联邦政府应该加入巴黎气候协议)。. The negative side strikes a potential resolution first, followed by the affirmative, until a topic is selected. 然后他们用剩下的准备时间准备论点.

辩论本身持续了26分钟,其中包括两次“建设性论点”(每次演讲5分钟), 双方分别进行6分钟的发言,然后是两分钟的提问时间. 辩论以三次反驳发言(3分钟)结束, five minute neg speech, 3 min aff speech).

Speech Events

As a member of the American Forensic Association, 我们的演讲队参加了11个不同风格和形式的比赛. 

Limited Prep:

  • Extemporaneous. 参赛者将在当前事件的一般领域中获得三个主题, choose one, 并有30分钟的时间准备演讲,这是学生的原创作品. Maximum time limit for the speech is 7 minutes. Limited notes are permitted. Student will speak in listed order. Postings of topics will be staggered.
  • Impromptu. 即兴演讲:一种即兴的演讲,内容丰富,主题随回合和段落而变化. Topics will be derived from quotations. 演讲者将有7分钟的准备时间和演讲时间. 从接受主题表开始计时. 


  • Informative. An original, 学生就现实主义主题进行的事实性演讲,以实现告知听众的总体目标. 视听辅助工具可以用来补充和强化信息,也可以不使用. 在演讲的发展过程中,应该使用和引用多种来源. Max time is 10 minutes. 
  • Persuasive. An original speech by the student designed to inspire, reinforce, or change the beliefs, attitudes, values or actions of the audience. 视听辅助工具可以用来补充和强化信息,也可以不使用. 在演讲的发展过程中,应该使用和引用多种来源. Minimal notes are permitted. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes.
  • After Dinner Speaking. An original, humorous speech by the student, designed to exhibit sound speech composition, thematic, coherence, direct communicative public speaking skills, and good taste. 演讲不应该像夜总会表演、模仿或喜剧对话. 视听辅助工具可以用来补充和强化信息,也可以不使用. Minimal notes are permitted. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes.
  • Communication Analysis. 学生的原创演讲,旨在对演讲等交流事件进行解释和/或评价, speaker, movement, poem, poster, film, campaign, etc., through the use of rhetorical principles. 视听辅助工具可以用来补充和强化信息,也可以不使用. Manuscripts are permitted. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes.


  • Dramatic. 片段:代表一部或多部具有文学价值的戏剧中的一个或多个人物的片段. 这次活动的重点是人物塑造的发展. This material may be drawn from stage, screen, or radio. Use of manuscript is required. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes including introduction.
  • Dramatic Duo. A cutting from one or more texts of literary merit, humorous or serious, 由两个人扮演两个或两个以上角色的. The material may be drawn from any genre of literature. This is not an acting event; thus, no costumes, props, lighting, etc, are to be used. 展示来自手稿,焦点应该在舞台之外,而不是彼此之间. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes including introduction.
  • Program Oral Interpretation. 文学选集:按主题进行文学选集的程序, 从两到三种公认的竞争性翻译体裁中选择(散文/诗歌/戏剧). 这个活动的主要焦点应该是通过使用叙述/故事来发展主题, language, and/or characterization. 总时间的很大一部分必须用于节目中使用的每种类型. 不同的体裁意味着材料必须出现在不同的文学作品中.g., 短篇小说中的一首诗,如果只出现在该短篇小说中,不构成诗歌体裁.) Only one selection may be original. Use of manuscript is required. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes including introduction.
  • Prose. 选集:具有文学价值的散文材料的原创或选集, which may be drawn from more than one source. 这个活动的重点是叙述/故事的发展. Play cuttings and poetry are prohibited. Use of manuscript is required. Max time is 10 minutes including introduction.
  • Poetry. 选集,选集:有文学价值的诗歌选集或选集,可以来自多个来源. 这次活动的主要焦点应该是语言的发展. Play cuttings and prose works are prohibited. Use of manuscript is required. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes including introduction.
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/09/2024